Sunday, 29 January 2012

RESEARCH: Target Audience

Target Audience Research
Below is all the research we have collected for our target audience research. We looked at Amazon to identify what other people had bought with horror films. We also asked a range of people to fill in our questionnaire about horror films.
When we looked at Amazon, we looked at horror films, then we looked at what other products customers bought. This helped us to identify what our target audience liked and what people think a good combination of films are.
The first film that we looked at was Night of The Living Dead, as we can see from the picture below. This is the 1968 version, the films that we suggested to be bought together were the remake of Night of The Living Dead and the 2004 edition of Dawn of The Living Dead. These films are all zombie horror films, suggesting that they were all bought because of the sub-genre.

Another horror film that we looked at on Amazon was 28 Weeks Later. This is another zombie horror movie. When we looked it up we found that people that bought this DVD also bought other zombie horrors such as 28 Days Later, which is the first of this 2 part sequel and the 2004 Dawn of the Dead. This shows us what other films people like in this genre. These are similar to the films shown on the Night of the Living Dead DVD page. This helps us to get an idea of what it is that viewers like to watch.

To be able to get unbiased results we sent the questionnaire we had designed to 40 people, these people consisted of 10 male teachers, 10 female teachers, 10 male students (ages ranges from 11-16) and 10 female students (ages ranging from 11-16). Not all of the people we asked responded to our survey. For our questionnaire we asked a varied of questions to find out who liked horror movies. We created a mixture of bar graphs and pie charts to show our results. Below is the e-mail which we sent out to the 40 people we asked.

The first two questions we asked were general questions asking about age and gender. The third question we asked helped us to understand which would be the best possible way to target our audience when we and if we advertise the product. The fourth question we asked was if the viewer watches horror movies by themselves or in groups, this allows us to start getting personal viewing habits from our possible target audience.

Questions 5 and 6 gave us an idea of what it is that viewers want to see in a horror movie; by asking them what it is they want to see and what sub-genre they like to watch gives us precise answer to see whether people like the same looking at questions 7 and 8 they tell us how viewers like to watch horror movies.

Questions 9 lets us see if people are influenced to watch horror movies by their friends, this tells us quite a lot about our target audience. Question 10 lets us see if people like to watch the same horror movies or if their preferences are different.
Below are some pie charts and bar charts to show the results of our questionnaires.

This pie chart shows the amount of responses that we got back from the 40 people that we sent the questionnaire out to. It shows that just under half of the respondents were in the ages of 10-19.

This bar chart shows us what type of advertising mostly influences them to go and watch a horror film. From the graph we can see that reviews are what mainly influences people to watch horror films.

The pie chart below shows us that the majority of people that responded to our survey prefer to watch horror films in groups rather than alone.

The bar chart below shows us what the people who answered the survey thought should happen in the first few minutes of a horror film. We can see that building tension and a dramatic event is popular.

This bar chart shows us what our respondent’s favourite sub-genre was. From this we can see that comedy was the most favourite sub-genre.

From this pie chart we can see that the people that answered our survey said that they would much rather watch a one off horror film than a sequel film, like Saw.

The pie chart below tells us that our respondent’s would much rather watch a horror film during the evening rather than during the day.

The bar chart below shows us whether our viewers are influenced to watch a horror film by their friends. Most people say they are while a few say they are but only sometimes.

Below is a PowerPoint that explains our finding and what our target audience’s habits are.

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